By-Laws | Contacts | Club Membership | Dues Payments | Ground Rules | Shooting Rules
The Duncannon Sportsmen's Association was first established in 1947 and the first land was purchased in 1971. The association currently owns 96 acres of ground in 3 separate location. Throughout the year the association promotes, Block Shoots, a Fishing Contest, Hunter Education Classes, a Hunting Contest with Awards, the Perry County Fair, a Perry County Yourth Field Day, Trap Shooting, a Youth Trout Derby and more!
Learn about our organization and how to become a member.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by clicking here.
The name of this Association shall be the DUNCANNON SPORTSMEN’S ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED.
The business address of the Association shall he that in which the Secretary resides.
The grounds are located along Montebello Farm Road, Wheatfield Township, Duncannon, PA.
To foster companionship, recreation and useful activity among the sportsmen of the Duncannon area and vicinity; to further in any manner possible the conservation of our natural resources; to assist Game and Fish Commission officials in their duties when called upon to do so; to promote the unwritten rules of good sportsmanship for the members and for those with whom they would go afield; and to receive and disburse funds and hold property for the purpose of and relative to such endeavors.
Order of Business
The Order of Business at all meetings, except special meetings, shall be:
1. The President shall call the meeting to order at the appointed time.
2. Report of the Secretary; Reading of the minutes from previous meeting.
3. Approval of the minutes.
4. Report of the Treasurer
5. Reports of any committees.
6. Unfinished business.
7. New business.
8. Adjournment.
Officers of the Association
1. President.
2. Vice-President.
3. Secretary.
4. Membership Secretary.
5. Treasurer.
7. Board of Directors, of at least seven (7) members.
Duties of the Officers
1. President
a. The President shall preside at and conduct all meetings.
b. He shall appoint all committees.
c. He shall perform all duties incidental to the office and such duties as may be delegated to him from time to time by the membership.
d. He shall preserve order at all times.
e. He shall state the date, time and place of the next meeting.
2. Vice-President
a. To perform the duties of the President in case of his absence.
3. Secretary
a. The Secretary shall keep a correct account of all transactions, resolutions and motions, and the general business of meetings.
b. He shall answer all correspondence sent to him for the Association and shall report on these letters at the next stated meeting. He shall file a copy of any outgoing correspondence with the minutes of that particular meeting.
c. He shall notify each member of all club meetings.
4. Membership Secretary
a. He shall keep a current record of all active members, including name and address.
b. He shall issue and sign all membership cards.
5. Treasurer
a. He shall keep a correct account of all money turned over to him, noting its source and the date of receipt.
b. He shall pay all bills, by check, upon proper motions, ordered by the Association’s meetings.
c. He shall deposit all money in a bank approved by the Association.
5. Board of Directors
a. The Board shall have general supervision and control of all activities of the Association.
b. Directors shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. Two shall be elected each year, except that every third year three shall be elected.
c. The Board shall elect its own officers and reorganize in January of each year. It shall also meet as required, to conduct necessary business of the organization.
d. Five (5) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
e. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by a majority vote of the membership present at a regular or special meeting of the Association.
General Membership Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held once a month unless cancelled by a majority vote of the membership present at any regular or special meeting. Members will be notified by the Secretary of all meetings.
Conduction of a Meeting
1. Before a member can make a motion or address the Association he must address the President and be acknowledged by him.
2. Only one member in good standing may have the floor at one time.
3. No member who has had the floor three (3) times on the same subject is entitled to speak again unless special permission is granted.
4. A motion properly made, seconded and passed, shall be considered sufficient for payment of any and all bills.
Special Meetings
1. May be called at any time by the President.
2. Members shall be notified of such meetings at least one week prior to meeting.
New Members
1. To be eligible for membership, an applicant must be at least twelve (12) years of age.
2. Every application for membership shall be read and voted upon at the same meeting.
3. lf not accepted, the dissenting voters shall state their reasons for rejecting the applicant.
4. The officers, acting as an investigating committee, shall decide the issue.
5. An applicant shall not be present at the meeting in which he is being voted upon; or if in attendance may be asked to leave the room while voting is taking place.
6. The current year’s dues and any applicable initiation fee shall accompany all applications for membership. If rejected, the money will be returned to applicant.
7. If membership is approved, there will be a 65 day probationary period. During the probationary period the new member will have the same rights and privileges as regular members, unless any regular member discovers reason why a probationary new member should be reconsidered. The discovering member shall present this information to any Association officer or board member. The board will consider the information provided and decide if the information provided has merit and should be brought before the membership at the next regular meeting for reconsideration. If upon reconsideration at this regular meeting, the membership present votes by majority to rescind the probationary member’s membership, the Association shall notify said probationary member, in writing, and return any dues and/or initiation fees paid.
Dues and Initiation Fee
1. Amount of the dues and any applicable initiation fee shall be determined by the voting membership present at any regular or special meeting of the Association.
2. Any applicable initiation fee shall not exceed twice the current year’s dues.
3. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on January 1 of each year and terminate on December 31 of the same year.
4. Dues shall be payable by the first meeting of each year.
5. Any member whose dues are not paid by March 31st shall be dropped from the mailing list.
6. Any member becoming more than one (1) year in arrears shall be taken from the Association’s active membership rolls and shall be subject to any applicable initiation fee upon reapplying for membership. .
7. Any impending dues and/or applicable initiation fee change shall be approved before the October meeting of the year prior to taking effect.
8. New members’ dues shall be for the calendar year paid.
Nominations and Elections
1. The officers shall be nominated by Association members in good standing in an open meeting.
2. Officers shall be nominated and elected at the November meeting.
3. Officers, other than directors, shall be elected for two (2) year terms in even numbered years.
Auditing Committee
The Board of Directors shall select an Independent Accountant whose duties it shall be to annually audit the Treasurer’s records.
This audit shall be done before May l5 of the new year.
Suspension and Expulsion
1. Any member may be suspended or expelled from the Association for any cause deemed sufficient by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting. No vote on suspension or expulsion may be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing shall have been given to the member, stating the charges and of the time and place of the meeting at which such charges will be considered. At such meeting the member under charge will be accorded a full hearing. Vote shall be by secret ballot.
2. Any official or member of the Association who has been charged with a felony or any other crime against society that shall detract from the standards maintained by the DUNCANNON SPORTSMEN’S ASSOCIATION, INC., shall automatically stand suspended of all rights and use of the Association and its properties, facilities and activities until proven innocent.
Building and Grounds
1. Rules and Regulations For use of the building and grounds shall be established and posted at conspicuous locations on the grounds and in the building.
2. Keys for the buildings shall be in the hands of the elected officers and Directors of the Association and others as approved by the Board of Directors.
3. Outgoing officers and Directors shall tum their keys back to the Association.
4. Others approved shall turn keys back to the Association upon request of the Board of Directors.
Women’s Auxiliary
Rescinded April 20, 2011
1. These By-Laws may be altered and amended at any regular or special meeting of this Association by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present. A notice of each Intention to Amend must be sent to each active member at least three (3) days before such meeting.
2. An amendment shall be voted upon; and if passed, held over until the next meeting, when it shall be voted upon again. If approved the second time, it becomes law.
Amended February, 1978
Amended April 17, 1991
Amended January 2l, 1998
Amended April 20, 2011
John W. Hines |
President |
717-275-3734 |
Ray E. Ebersole |
Vice-President |
Robert K. Hofer II |
Secretary |
717-903-8486 |
Karen M. Turnbaugh |
Treasurer |
Vicki L. Jenkins |
Membership Secretary |
717-834-9490 |
Dale R. Ebersole |
Director, Chairman |
717-645-3492 |
Randall Moyer |
Director |
Cliff Zeigler |
Director, Secretary |
717-329-8746 |
Robert E. Hines, Jr. |
Director |
Jeffrey Turnbaugh |
Director |
Lee E. Clugston |
Director |
Richard Sanno |
Director |
To apply for membership, please download the membership application in MS Word or Adobe PDF format.
DSA_Membership_Application.docx (MS Word)
DSA_Membership_Application.pdf (Adobe PDF)
Once completed, please mail the application and appropriate dues payment payable to Duncannon Sportsmen's Association to:
Duncannon Sportsmen's Association, %Vicki Jenkins, 371 Roseglen Road, Duncannon, PA 17020
1. NO alcoholic beverages allowed on the grounds.
2. Grounds are open to all club members and their families at any time EXCEPT when scheduled activities and special events, approved by the Board of Directors, requires limiting access and use by the general membership to all or portions of the grounds and facilities, for reasons of safety and to avoid interference with said scheduled activities and special events. Typically, notice should be posted at the entrance gate and at the Ground Rules Sign erected on the power line right-of-way at least one week in advance of the activity or event and removed immediately at the conclusion of said activity and event.
3. No open fires permitted on the grounds except clean-up details performed by club members or properly attended fires in fire rings.
4. Membership card must be shown upon request of any properly identified member.
5. No children allowed in shooting areas unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult.
1. Shoot only at properly erected paper targets.
2. No targets shall be placed above the target holders.
3. Do not place targets on uprights.
4. No fully automatic weapons permitted on the grounds.
5. No armor piercing rifle ammunition permitted.
6. Claybird shooting will be done ONLY on the trap range in the proper direction. The use of hand or portable throwers is permitted. No rifle or handgun shooting on the trap range.
7. No practice shooting shall be done on the block shoot course. Shotgun patterning MUST be done on the rifle range using the portable target holder provided.
Monday thru Saturday — 9:00am to sunset
Sunday — 1:00pm to sunset
9. Members may be accompanied by two (2) guests. However, other members have preference over guests. Members are responsible for the action of their guests (Use common courtesy).
10. Give others a chance. DON’T MONOPOLIZE THE FACILITIES.
11. Clean up when finished. Place used targets in the waste container or take them with you. Place unwanted spent cartridges in container provided.
12. Archery Targets are to be used for archery shooting only. No firearms of any type should be used at archery targets.
b. Rifle must be fired in single shot fashion only.
c. Single shot fashion is defined by the Board of Directors as, allowing enough elapsed time between shots for the rifle and the shooter to recover from the recoil of one shot and for the rifle to be properly re-sighted at the target before another shot is fired.
d. Firing must be done in such a manner as to assure the bullet impact will be in the immediate area of the properly erected target.
e. No armor piercing ammunition permitted.
At the discretion of the Board of Directors, any substantiated incident of the violation of any of these special rules will result in the immediate cessation of all use of centerfire semi-automatic rifles on Association property.
14. Violation of these rules may lead to loss of membership in accordance with the By-Laws.
Adopted at general membership meeting, October 16, 1985
Revised April 17, 1991
Revised March 20, 1996
Revised April 20, 2011